Meds made easy


Consult with a doctor online


Get up to a full-year regimen of formulary meds delivered to the office.


Get reimbursements for medicines, vitamins, and prescription eyewear.

How the new medicine program works

The new outpatient medicine program makes getting healthy convenient and flexible

MedEnsure makes sure your medicines come to you

Full-year regimen. No need to worry about running out
Time-saving. Reduce doctor and drugstore visits with electronic prescriptions
Hassle-free. Request each medicine once and pick up continuous refills at your office

With FlexMed, you can get medicine and optical reimbursements any time

Flexible. Already purchased? Upload your receipts to claim your reimbursement
Know if it's covered

Check before you buy

What's covered under FlexMed

Ethical Drugs

Prescription required, used to treat serious conditions
  • Amlodipine
  • Metformin

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs

May be prescribed but can be bought without a prescription
  • Paracetamol
  • Loperamide


Dietary supplements containing vitamins and minerals
  • Vitamin E
  • Ascorbic Acid

Herbal Drugs

Plant-based medicines prescribed by a licensed physician to treat diseases
  • Lagundi
  • Sambong

Corrective or Graded Lenses

Lenses prescribed by optometrists or opthalmologist

What's required under FlexMed


  • HMO-covered principal and dependent

Prescribing doctor

  • Maxicare-accredited doctor

Annual limit

  • Officers: P5K/family unit
  • Supervisor: P4K/family unit
  • Rank and File: P3.5K/family unit

Required documents

  • Official receipts dated 2024
  • Prescriptions named to principal or dependent
  • Prescriptions for ethical drugs, herbal drugs, and graded/corrective lenses
  • Uploaded copies of prescriptions and receipts submitted within 30 days of purchase

How to avail of FlexMed


  1. Click Upload Receipts at
  2. Agree to the mechanics
  3. Upload documents and input items for reimbursement
  4. Input personal details and select reimbursement method


  1. Insert prescriptions and original receipts in the envelope
  2. Fill out and submit reimbursement claims envelope at your office


  1. Receive email acknowledging online submission
  2. Receive email approving reimbursement amount
  3. Receive email confirming reimbursement

We're here to help

MedGrocer's digitally-enabled corporate healthcare solutions and patient programs empower our customers to get their medicines, vaccines, and teleconsultations conveniently, cost-effectively, and intelligently.

Every year, we serve over one million Filipinos either directly or through partnerships with employers and pharmaceutical companies.

© 2024, MedGrocer · MedGrocer (MG Health Solutions, Inc.)